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Volunteers are vital to our programming. They staff events, help with classes, and build meaningful relationships with our students. Whether through one-on-one student help in classes, administrative assistance in the ACT office, or providing direction through one-time events, we are so thankful for our volunteers. 

ACT volunteer and student smile for the camera

Becoming a volunteer with ACT is easy!

Schedule & Attend
Volunteer Orientation

We will reach out to you to schedule a volunteer orientation. During orientation, we will work together to decide which volunteer area is a good fit for you based on the interest areas you selected in the application.

Learn more about upcoming volunteer opportunities

Don't forget to sign up for our monthly volunteer newsletter! This is where we share upcoming events and volunteer needs. 

Fill out the Application Form

First, fill out the brief volunteer application form online. Please note that all volunteer placements will require a background check.


Contact our Program Coordinator

ACT 2023 New Logo - Green

Artists Creating Together empowers individuals with disabilities to learn, grow, and celebrate through the arts.

© Copyright 2008 - 2023
Artists Creating Together 

1140 Monroe Ave NW, Suite 4101, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 - 616.885.5866 


Artists Creating Together is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 84 - 1698531.

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Join Our
E-Mail List!

Sign up for our e-mailing list to receive updates and other news from ACT! We will send you:


  • ACT's newsletter, released four times per year 

  • Community events

  • Calls for art and volunteers

  • And more!

Our Supporters
Thank you for making ACT possible.
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