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Teaching Artists

ACT's programs would not be possible without the dedication of the teaching artists that lead them. By working with a diverse group of professionally trained artists, our students can experience various art forms.

ACT Teaching Artist gets hands-on in one of ACT's many visual arts programs
Want to become a Teaching Artist?

Applying is easy: simply fill out our online application form. Be prepared to include references. After submitting, an ACT staff member will look it over and then get back to you.

About Our Teaching Artists:
ACT 2023 New Logo - Green

Artists Creating Together empowers individuals with disabilities to learn, grow, and celebrate through the arts.

© Copyright 2008 - 2023
Artists Creating Together 

1140 Monroe Ave NW, Suite 4101, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 - 616.885.5866 


Artists Creating Together is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 84 - 1698531.

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  • ACT's newsletter, released four times per year 

  • Community events

  • Calls for art and volunteers

  • And more!

Our Supporters
Thank you for making ACT possible.
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